Sunday, July 14, 2013

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Malian Troops Open France's Bastille Day Parade

Troops from 13 African countries that took part in the French-led war against al-Qaida-linked extremists in Mali marched with the French military during the Bastille Day parade in Paris on Sunday to honor their role in the conflict. U.N. troops in blue berets who are helping to stabilize the west African nation of Mali also paraded with thousands of other soldiers down the Champs-Elysees Avenue in France's annual tribute to military might. It marks the storming of the Bastille prison July 14, 1789, by angry Paris crowds that helped spark the French Revolution.
Tucked away in a 19th century cottage in Bungendore, a full house celebrated Bastille Day at Le Tres Bon restaurant on Sunday.The day of French national celebration marking the 1789 storming of the Bastille and subsequent revolution was celebrated with Champagne and chef Christophe Gregoire singing the national anthem La Marseillaise."You know James Cook discovered Australia, but La Perouse came one week after James Cook - so in one week, it could be French, this territory. I'm so upset with La Perouse actually," Gregoire joked as he prepared creme brulees.
A group of protesting Bulgarians has staged Saturday evening a reincarnation of Eugene Delacroix's historic painting of the July Revolution in France - Liberty Leading the People.The performance was both homage to the French people celebrating Bastille Day on July 14 and a show of respect for the position of the French and German Ambassadors, who issued a joint statement recently, insisting the voice of the people to be heard and Bulgaria to part with the oligarchic model of ruling the country.Bulgarian model and actress, Tanya Ilieva, portrayed the French Liberty on the 30th day of protests. She is best known by her leading female role in the movie Dzift of acclaimed Bulgarian director, Yavor Gardev.
The Montclair branch of the French Institute Alliance Francaise (FIAF) will host its annual "Bastille Day Celebration in Montclair" on Sunday, July 14, from 7 to 9 p.m., at the Van Vleck House and Gardens, 21 Van Vleck St.The FIAF Montclair event will celebrate France's National Holiday which commemorates the storming of the Bastille and the birth of the modern French nation. FIAF's Bastille Day in Montclair unites French-speaking people and American Francophiles to revel in the flavors, sounds and joie de vivre of France.
In the early hours of Thursday morning French, Malian and African soldiers on the UN’s African “MINUSMA” peacekeeping operation in Mali marched down the Champs Elysées in central Paris in a rehearsal for Sunday’s July 14 “Bastille Day” parade.The first soldier in Sunday’s march will be Malian Colonel Elisée Jean Dao. Some 232 African soldiers from 13 nations will be in the vanguard of the parade. Taking the salute beside French President François Hollande will be Malian interim President Dioncounda Traoré and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

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