Friday, July 4, 2014

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Barcelona, Spain Travel Guide

I want to tell you how this meet a local concept works
I arrive in a town, a stranger, I know no one
and in a limited amount of time
I must find a local person willing to let me tell their story
On a deeper level, it is my search for a common thread
of goodness in Humanity
And my belief that where ever I go
a crazy Aussie in a huge hat

Barcelona, Spain Travel Guide
I will find good people
and it is a huge buzz getting that story
I have decided to give couchsurfing a go
I'm staying with Nick Musgrave
an englishman, who left the world
of corporate banking
to pursuit his passion for photography
I asked Nick, what lead to his decision
to leave London and live in Barcelona
Something was not right, I was feeling
very strange about being there
and then one morning I had a realization
what it was. I realized I could leave my
apartment. I could walk up to the
tube station at bank, I could get the
the dockland light railway,
I could go all the way to my office at
Canary Wharf. I would pass, in rushhour,
in London, you would pass, probably,
I dont know, 1000's, 10,000 people
maybe. And I suddenly realized I
could not make eye contact with one
single person
I thought, this sucks, this is not the way
a society should be.
I wanted to be somewhere where it
was sunny and warm and dare I use
the word cosmopolitan.
And very quickly narrowed it down
to Barcelona. I mean if you want to
live in the sun, be by the sea
live in a very busy, diverse,
international, interesting,
stimulating kind of environment
really it is Barcelona!
It is always interesting
to hear how people view
their city. Every one has
a different slant.
I met Pilar de la Pena Sanchez
out one night at a local restaurant.
For her, the attraction of Barcelona
is the action on the streets
I love how fast people move here,
I mean the pickpockets,  the prostitutes
It’s like a movie,
if you are walking down the Ramblas,
you can see some black Africans, from North Africa,
some Moroccans, some tourist, Spaniards, gypsies.
And you realize they are living their own life,
and it’s like a performance.
You see some thieves stealing from tourists,
Romanians doing some magic tricks
and hookers having sex in phone booths.
Barcelona is awesome,

it has the old town and the new one,
my favorite place is the old town,
where I know that there were bars, sailors, fights
and people who have died
and you can feel their souls or phantoms,
like they are still there,
there is a humidity, a smell.
It’s an amazing city where you can walk down the streets
and you can lose yourself and have a flashback,
you don’t need to watch some pictures,
you just have to imagine it while you are walking.

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